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Regarding NASSCOM Competency Diagnostic (CD) opportunity

Regarding NASSCOM Competency Diagnostic (CD) opportunity

by Galgotias University LMS -
Number of replies: 0

Dear Students,


This is with reference to the NASSCOM Competency Diagnostic (CD) opportunity.  

Please use the following landing page for the activities. Students need to register and understand the features, advantages and benefits of CD by clicking onto the link -


A note on CD –


  • On the Future Skill Prime portal there are Courses 5 technology areas: 1. Artificial Intelligence, 2. Big Data Analytics, 3. Cybersecurity, 4. Cloud Computing, 5. Web, Mobile Development & Marketing and more are getting added shortly.
  • Nasscom in partnership with SHL have designed a Competency Diagnostic Test.
  • This Competency Diagnostic Test (CD) is free (For the first time) for all the candidates/courses of Galgotias University and GCET..
  • Aadhar Verification is a MUST during the Registration.
  • Once the candidate completes the CD within 15 Minutes the feedback report with training recommendations will be posted to the candidate on his Future Skill Prime account.

A complete guidance for Registration can be accessed through the following link: 

We request you to Register and attempt the Competency Diagnostic Test latest by 30th August. This is applicable for all the Courses/Branches.