Site announcements



by Galgotias University LMS -
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1.     CAT II shall be conducted from 14th September 2020.

2.     The CAT II shall be conducted online through LMS Platform.

3.     The examination can be attempted through Desktop, Laptop, Smart Phone etc.

4.     Date Sheet for CAT II is available on University website, icloud and LMS.

5.     The CAT II shall be of one hour and 45 minutes duration. Students have to write & upload the attachment, if any, in this time duration only.

6.     The question paper format shall be as under :

Section A

Multiple choice / one word answer/ Fill up the Blanks.

Students have to attempt 30 questions. Each question shall carry ½ marks.

Section A will have total 15 marks.

Section B

Short Answer Type

Students have to attempt two questions. Each question shall carry 2.5 marks. Section B will have total 5 marks.

Section C

Long Answer Type with higher BT Level

Students have to attempt two questions. Each question shall carry 5 marks. Section C will have total 10 marks.

7.     Students are advised to make all the arrangements and ensure uninterrupted Power Supply and Internet. No grievances pertaining to malfunction of infrastructure at students end shall be entertained by University. However, student can submit the grievance within 10 minutes of completion of examination of particular paper.

8.     Students are required to register the grievance, on the Google Form shared by University. Students are also required to upload the screen shot of the problem encountered on Google Form to substantiate the claim. Any grievance registered through any other mode or addressed to anybody else shall not be entertained.

9.       The committee shall take the decision on the genuineness & merit of grievance and the decision will be communicated to the student. The decision take by committee shall be final & binding to all.

10.     Teaching will remain suspended during CAT II.


Controller of Examinations