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The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest:

The ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest:

by Galgotias University LMS -
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Dear Students,

International Collegiate Programming Contest:

Last Date to Register: 3rd to 5th October 2019

Registration info: 

The International Collegiate Programming Contest (  ICPC) is the largest collegiate programming contest being organized all over the world every year. The ICPC is an activity that provides college students with an opportunity to demonstrate and sharpen their problem-solving and computing skills. The contest is considered as the "Olympiad of Computer Programming."  For more information about   ICPC, I request you to visit

About   ICPC 2019-2020 Indian regionals:

The ICPC 2019 - 2020 Indian regionals will be held at four-sites viz Amritapuri, Kanpur, Kharagpur and Gwalior (multisite with Pune) from December 7 to 31, 2019. The teams will be selected through a preliminary online (internet) contest to be held on 18 October 2019. Only those teams that qualify the preliminary online contest shall be eligible to participate in the Regional Site Contests.

The teams will be selected through a preliminary online contest to be held on 18 October 2019. Only those teams that qualify the preliminary online contest shall be eligible to participate in the ICPC Regional Site Contests. Important information pertaining to registration deadlines and registration details can be found below:

Additionally, as a part of the GoForGold initiative, the India team that would better the previous top rank at the ICPC World Finals will get a cash award of INR 16.09 lakhs.