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Vision and Mission of Computing Science

Vision and Mission of Computing Science

by Galgotias University LMS -
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To be known globally as a premier department of Computer Science and Engineering for value-based education, multidisciplinary research and innovation.


The mission of the Computer Science and Engineering Department is,

MD1: Create a strong foundation on fundamentals of Computer Science and Engineering through Outcome Based Teaching -Learning Process.

MD2: Establish state-of-the-art facilities for Analysis, Design and Implementation to develop sustainable ethical solutions.

MD3: Conduct multidisciplinary research for developing innovative solutions.

MD4: Involve the students in group activity including that of professional bodies to develop leadership and communication skills.


 1.Graduates of Computer Science and Engineering will be globally competent and provide sustainable solutions for interdisciplinary problems as team players.

2.     Graduates of Computer Science and Engineering will engage in professional activities with ethical practices in the field of Computer Science and Engineering to enhance their own stature to contribute towards society.

3.        Graduates of Computer Science and Engineering will acquire specialized knowledge in engineering technologies for research, innovation and product development.