Duration: 90 Minutes Max Marks: 50
School of Liberal Education
Program Name: B.A (H) Political Science
Mid-Term Examination – July 2024
Semester-II Course Code-K1UD602T
Course Title: International Relations and Politics
General Instructions
Answer to the specific question asked
Draw neat, labelled diagrams wherever necessary
Approved data handbooks are allowed subject to verification by the Invigilator
1. What is the definition of International Relations (IR)? K1(2)
2. Name five major theories of International Relations. K1(2)
3. Describe the main principles of realism in IR theory. K2 (4)
4. Compare and contrast the theories of realism and liberalism in International Relations. K2 (6)
5. Compare and contrast the theories of realism and liberalism in International Relations. K3 (6)
6. Examine the role of non-state actors in contemporary international politics. K3 (6)
7. Explain the concept of sovereignty in international relations. K3 (9)
8. Examine the role of non-state actors in contemporary international politics. K3 (12)
- Course Coordinator: Dr. Vivek Mohan Dubey School of Liberal Education